Monday, July 24, 2006

Necklace Combo

I just started wearing these together. The horseshoe is for good luck and the birds belonged to my Grandmother.


Anonymous said...

have to say i'm not a fan. Rare, 'cause usually i'm a fan of most of your combos but I'm a bit of a jewelery purist. This is too much and they are too different. Truth be told I don't really like the horseshoe... sorry. Too remeniscant of that "show".

Anonymous said...

Madame, watch your mouth! Hahaha!

I have worn a horseshoe for years - bought it for myself when I was going through a very dark time as a pick-me-up, and it's something I hold dear now. Some people don't need a "show" to wear or enjoy something.

As for the combo, I actually DO like it, and I usually like my horseshoe stand-alone only. Something about the two lengths together that just works. Cute!

Anonymous said...

what show are you talking about?!? which one???

I agree with both people, necklaces are cute, but not together. I think one takese away from the other. Birdies are really sweet and should not have to compete with horsies.