Can you see a difference? I can see a difference!
If you can believe it - this is the Extra Small.. .these skirts are weird... jersey material so really stretchy. Anyway, this one is much better.

Also, here was my outfit today. I thought I looked cute, and that doesn't happen often, so I felt I should put it up here, just so you can see how cute I can look when I try. (t-shirt is the same as above b/c its the same day and I'm lazy)
And now the question remains - am I brave enough to put up the bathing suit I just bought???
Uh.... no.
u look so put together for work... though admittedly, I never see you anymore!! Esp. since you have had an office job!!! (ie: not in film whre everyone wears ripped jeans).
I want to hear more about the bathing suit... you can post it without wearing it you know!! Did you finally get something real skimpy???
Je trouve l'ensemble jupe/t-shirt croise tout a fait charmant. Le vert se marie bien avec le brun ici, et le bas de la jupe (la "frange") ajoute une touche de classe, a l'oppose d'une coupe "droite", qui aurait fait un effet plutot "business". Le charme du bas de la jupe ajoute un je-ne-sais-quoi un tantinet retro, et ma fois, cela te va tres bien. Le pantalon fait tres "relax", j'aime les gros boutons, et le haut du pantalon - soit la partie qui irait derriere la ceinture - est assez large pour embrasser la taille sans l'envahir, et assez etroite pour ne pas trop se mettre en valeur. Le pantalon est juste assez ajuste, sans l'etre trop.
Tu voudrais discuter de l'absence de mes accents aigus circonflexes et graves maintenant?
Bravo pour le look - je prefere avec la jupe. Et tu as une nuque longue et etroite. Sans vouloir te vexer, je trouve les longs cous feminins tres sensuels.
es I try to look good for work these days.. nothing over the top, just nothing ripped or stained...
I'll put a pic of the bathing suit on without me in it... nothing skimpy, I just can' do it!
Skirt is Way better in the xsmall size.
PS also love the colors of your walls (green)
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