Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Somebody Stop Me!

Well, it started a couple of years ago, while shopping with Ms Shenanigan in TO. We innocently went into a cheap shoe store and I found the shoes of my dreams. I really fell in love with these little numbers and I wore them good and solid (but never in the snow!) for a couple years. I got hooked on the no-heel round-toe craze. Just my style and very comfy. Oh boy, did I fall for them bigtime. Here are the first of the them... (*click on pics to zoom in for larger view of my cut-up biking to work legs)

They are:

You can kinda tell that wear and tear have stretched them out a bit and I can't wear them with a skirt anymore, I can only wear them with pants (to cover the fact that they are ruined.
Then came...


OOTG's comment was "you've had cuter shoes". True, they were no originals, but lightening doesn't strike twice ladies, and I needed summer shoes that were not falling apart.

I waited and waited for these next shoes to go on sale, and on sale they did go. I added them to my collection of flat-and-rounds and got many compliments on them. They are...

THE SPARKLERS (they have sequens on them) - *with added side view!

I know what you're thinking : just because they're cheap doesn't mean you need 3 pairs! Trust me - I KNOW. I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF.

And finally... I went searching for fall shoes. I wanted higher shoes, cute boot-things that I could put warmer socks in if need be. Oh I searched and searched. Well, I think you know where this is going. I present to you the latest addition to the collection. A warm welcome to...

THE CAMO: *with side view

I think I like these best, I gotta be honest. Well, not better than the Originals (I mean, they're the originals!) Cuddles likes these best so the purchase is justified.


Editor's note : It took me WAY too long to compose this blog.
I was going to upload an outfit too, but I think I'll just let you guys enjui this entry for a while first.


Anonymous said...

UNNY post jj!
you know how i feel about the new ones, you know it baby. round toed flats all the way (and then some.)
i'm so happy you spent time to compose this entry, because, well, as usual, it made me laugh. and i love to laugh! and look at your feet. and lovely shoes.
(perhaps i should post my growing collection? let me state for the record that the craze started with the pair of black that i purchased prior to hick. y'all remeber those?)

Anonymous said...

i too have a great belief in the flat, round toed shoes. You can wear em with a skirt and look cute, you can wear em with pants and looks stylish, you can wear em with peddle pushers and look retro or you can wear em with nothing and well look ahem. sexy?! I understand the problem aka addiction, they are relatively inexpensive and cute and come in a bevy of colors. I say keep on the hunt buy them as you see them and keep posting. I love it! Thanks for my morning giggle.

Anonymous said...

Ok OOTG way to take all the credit.
Thank you for purchasing those black shoes in NY that in fact, I tried on before you ever did (so there!), They just didn't look as good on me as they did on you.

Anonymous said...

I like them!! You have a diverse array of round toed flats and I see the need for all of them. Love the Camos, OOTG is right, the replacements are my least favs.

Mine are black with a colourful floral pattern and a tiny buckle in on the round toe part with some shiny glittery bits. A bit much, maybe, but it brings me joy to wear them... and people notice when I do!!

Wear your round toed flats and be merry i say!! Wear em all! The season doesn't last forever!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Your round-toes flats sound great. I want those! I want glittery bits!!!

I wore the replacements today, out of necessity but after the Camos, they just don't cut the mustard.

I think I might have to place them in the nearest waste receptacle.

though, they look good with pants.

Anonymous said...

you are right! you did try them first! i stole them from under your nose. apologies, apologies! (we shall note, however, that the following year jj went out and bought the EXACT shoe-yes, the shoe part is the same! as the ones i have with flowers. how funny is that! and they look great on her!)
i'm glad we can all share this shodiction. it really is what having girlfriends is all about.