Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back to the Beginning

okay - here we go again. On the hunt for the perfect dress.
Here is option #1 A little discoey number.
Can't decide if the draping front gives me that "hiding something" look. The dress is fun. Does it look good is the question. Does my booty give it the "JLO" look or the "Jello" look?


Anonymous said...

What's the occasion? Is this velvet? A thin cotton-y fabric? What kind of shoes are you wearing with that? Let's see the other choices.

Anonymous said...

this dress rocks!! I say sexy JLo! I like the draping, it's perfect. go for it! what did you wear for the last cocktail party or are you still looking?

Anonymous said...

I can't tell at all with these pics. I made them larger but it is out of focus. Can you take some new ones?

It looks good....

Anonymous said...

i say stick with the blue one from last time.