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Am I too Old for this top?

The person
who I was shopping with - seemed to think this top was not age appropriate for a 30 something year old woman. I disagreed but did not buy it. I did, however, use the "Dressing Room Cam" to take a photo and get a second opinion! Any thoughts?
That top looks great on you- I don't think a 30 something woman is too old for this. Go back and buy it !!!!
the top looks really good.... yes, it is age appropriate. you should see some of the stuff I've bought lately.... come to think of it, i should POST some pics one of these days.
This green one, I like.
Being the 30 something woman who made the comment.... I'm standing by it.
While I like the colour and the pattern of the shirt, it is the buttons that led to my comment. They are just a little too big and, to me, makes the top look a little too "young" (in my humble opinion).
Plus if you'd seen the store the top was in.....
hmm, I am wishy washy abou this one. I think the cute top is definitely in right now. I saw a 20-30 something woman waling down the street in hot shorts and cowboy boots yesterday!
The baby-doll look is very fashionable these days.
Plus you have a little "I fill it out really nicely and am therefore NOT a teenager".. I think it all depends on what you wear it with.
Nice jeans and small heels would work well.
Thank the LAWD you did not buy this!!!! OMG!
You have great tits, but darling, the way this shirt is, umm, "accentuating" them? Not good.
I honestly LoVe this top and think wheather your 18, 30, or 50 if it looks good and your comfy in it, then you should get it!!!!
Oooo! I love it! You can TOTALLY pull it off!
I love this the buttons are really cute and they kinda look like my 23 year old sister but I totally think you could pull this off.
looks too crafty, a bit too Holly Hobby and your tits are too big for that kind of a top, it just sorta bands around you.... not cute. you need a tad bit of a v to pull it off, would better accentuate..
I think that the top looks good on you..but as a 23 year old I wouldn't personally wear it because of the embellishment. If you want to have the same concept try to find a shirt without the buttons and gingham in the breast region. Good luck!
I think that the top looks good on you..but as a 23 year old I wouldn't personally wear it because of the embellishment. If you want to have the same concept try to find a shirt without the buttons and gingham in the breast region. Good luck!
you're never too old to wear what u want to and feel good in!
too old and too busty. leave the shirt on the rack sister!
i think if you look right in it (witch you do) and you like it, it doesn't matter what other people think about it...i beleive that shirt can be in an age range from 4 to 45.
I'm sorry I dont want to offend but I agree that this top is not age appropriate.
i think that this top makes your tits look huge which is why i think you like this top but i do not think that it is age appropriate
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