Thursday, February 8, 2007

To tuck or untuck?

Inspired by Hubba Bubba's Last post - I had an interview and put together this outfit. I don't have many interviews or anything dressing "casual conservative" is not so much my forte. So my big question is to TUCK OR UNTUCK? I started out tucked. But I felt all binded and within minutes of leaving the house had to untuck. Is that wrong?


Hick Teeth said...
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Anonymous said...

HickTeeth said...
Where is the interview?

In this day and age, untucked is fine as far as I'm concerned.

I am not sure I have tucked anything in for years, but it does look good tucked too. A very cute pink sweater BTW.

I think you win on this site for sheer "amount" of clothes.

I don't think I've ever seen you year the same thing twice!

NE ways, both ways are good for an interview, but if it is more "stuffy" I'd say go tucked.

Anonymous said...

i say tucked, though it's too late.
the untucked and hanging out of the bottom of the sweater look is certainly in, and i have nothing against it, per se. however i truly believe that it takes a special shirt and sweater to work quite right.
don't get me worng, i like the outfit. and: very professional. it's just... you know... you gave me a choice, so i'm giving you my opinion.
-stuffy mcconservatist

Anonymous said...

thanks for your opinions I do value them. I agreed, it looked better tucked I just felt silly with it tucked, like being someone I'm not.

Oh and Hick - Yah, maybe you've never seen me wear the same thing twice because you see me like twice a year?!!! That's really not much of an accomplishment! I really don't have that many clothes.

Anonymous said...

omg. i'm so offended jj and "oot" commented on this post but ignored the one of my boyfriend.


Superstaaah said...

perhaps their mama's told them - if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

Claudia and Grace said...

tuck or untuck? ont wear it at all!

Anonymous said...

I would say untucked; it looks much more relaxed and feminin, than tucked. It is already quite cute with the pink cardigan...but with the shirt untucked the look "softens".

But, of course, it depends on your mood and personality too.