So last night Cuddles and I watched "The Devil Wears Prada" and I'm not going into the whole convo but at some point he said "Man she looked HOT in those clothes!" meaning, when Anne Hathaway makes the transformation from bulky Gap sweater to chic Dolce & Gabanna model. For the rest of the movie she walks around in impossibly expensive clothes with supa-high heels.
Yes, she looks hot, and expensive, and maybe a little uncomfortable.
Looking at one's wardrobe after watching such a movie is like eating a Tic Tac to satisfy a chocolate ice cream craving. It just doesn't cut it.
Not sure I can do anything about that though, and definitely made myself feel better by telling Cuddles that if I pranced around in those outfits on a daily basis, he would think I was one low-cut, bollowy-dress, cinched-at-the-waist-with-a-ridiculously-large-belt wearing freak. I think it worked in the movie because EVERYONE was dressed that way. But in the context of "normal" work? Well... what do you think...

Dammit, she does look good.