Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I guess not

I really wanted to wear these boots today.
I love these boots.
They are a little motocycle chick and I waited a loooooong time to buy them.
They are nicer than the picture suggests, perhaps they need an entry all their own?

I keep trying to wear them with skirts, but it just doesn't seem to work.

This morning I just couldn't decide if they looked ok or not with a short skirt so I took a picture of myself to check.

I ended up wearing them with a longer, jean skirt but I am not sure that that worked either. I was late for work so couldn't change again.



Anonymous said...

Please. Don't.

Anonymous said...

I'm from the school of thought that if you are going to wear high boots with a short skirt, they MUST have a heel. I don't know why, but maybe it's because I'm short and look ridiculous wearing anything otherwise.

While I like the mixing of genre's, I don't think this works here. Too tough for the work crowd, maybe...

Anonymous said...

don't know if I dislike the boots/ short skirt or if it's your posture that's bugging me.... if you gave us a sexy hipster pose for the pic, the boots might've worked a bit better.

Great boots though. Nice legs too!

Anonymous said...

The boots are really nice! Not sure about them with the skirt.. perhaps with a skinny jean?

Anonymous said...

um, how was this posted a week ago and I missed it?!
I am not sold on the boots, definitely not with this outfit, but I would like to see alternative options with these boots. Sell me on them baby, sell me!

Hick Teeth said...

Ok ok! ponit frikkin taken people! no more boots with this skirt.

As for heels - I can't do them on a regular basis. Def not to work! not worth ruining my feet over and i find them really uncomfortable.

And rh - thanks for the well thought out words. I assume your comment means : don't wear these things together. Though maybe it's worse than that. Who can tell?