Sunday, May 14, 2006

Un rendez-vous a l'apres-midi

I had an afternoon date in the Distillery District with a tall, handsome guy from France.
I personally feel more comfortable on first dates when I can wear jeans. How do we feel about these longer T-shirts? I wore the new shoes too... ouch, ouch, ouch! My toes felt all squished... hope they stretch a bit.


Anonymous said...

I think this outfit is fine - perfectly non-committal (one "t"? Two?) Perfect amount of laid-backness to them. Excellent choice. But with the heels though? Hmmm... dunno. Don't think so.

The heels would dress up the outfit and cancel its laid-backness. You can't dress heels down, so the clash wouldn't have worked. Looking at THIS PICTURE right here, where you can't see the footwear, it's absolutely perfect.

Wow, am I annoying yet? I find that I'm actually quite good about this sort of thing. Really! Maybe it's the drugs... sawrry.

Anonymous said...

I love the long t's Ms Ms ... but I can never find the perfect one!
Where did you get that one and get one for me too - I'll pay you back. I swear.

I think those heels are great with it too - they are small heels, not crazy ones and will be covered by the jean, making them supa-cute little heels that just stick out.

I have similar ones, BTW