Monday, December 11, 2006

In Time for Warm Weather?

I bought this jacket at Kensington Market in early November, thinking I had about a week to wear it before the weather turned to shit.

I wore the jacket for the weeks until I went away on holiday to Mexico, then the week after I got back. After that week, I switched to my winter jacket for a short time. This week, the temperature has ranged from 2-13 degrees and the new fall jacket has been traipsing the city with me once again.

Check out the wicked buckle on the sleeves. Love it.

I sincerely hope global warming is not so severe to allow me to wear the fall jacket all through the winter, but I am looking forward to the temperate climate of spring... when the jacket and I can be as one again.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Replacement White T's

I think I've finally found one (or two) suitable to replace the ones I've recenlty had to let go.

American Apparel comes to the rescue!

My first time buying anything there. I found it more expensive than expected but I'm hoping worth it for the quality. They are soft, but a little thin. What do you think? Now considering going back for more colors!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I guess not

I really wanted to wear these boots today.
I love these boots.
They are a little motocycle chick and I waited a loooooong time to buy them.
They are nicer than the picture suggests, perhaps they need an entry all their own?

I keep trying to wear them with skirts, but it just doesn't seem to work.

This morning I just couldn't decide if they looked ok or not with a short skirt so I took a picture of myself to check.

I ended up wearing them with a longer, jean skirt but I am not sure that that worked either. I was late for work so couldn't change again.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Le Piece de Resistance

For some bizarre reason, this pic of my sari did not make it on the previous post. My outfit included the sari WITH all the jeweled trimmings. LOVED IT!!

Monday, November 6, 2006

A Hindu Bridesmaid

Dressing up in Indian clothing really makes a girl feel like a princess!! I'm not just trying to be cheesy, it's true. I wore all the items below AND earrings that matched the necklace. It's not the most practical garb to walk around in, but I sure do wish I could have worn it all day.

Bangles and Necklace

Friday, November 3, 2006

The Saga Continutes

Last weekend was the start of my cold, and a weekend when Cuddles was away...

start of cold + cuddles away = sleep at my parent's house for comfort.

My sister (with the new baby) is there too, so we had a nice, relaxing evening. My decision to stay was impromptu and I found myself without jammy-jams.

"oh, no problem" said my sister, "I have these pajamas I bought for my stay at the hospital, but I realised I bought them too small. You can have them."
(She misjudged her pregnancy body)

Well, you know I could use some new night wear (please see my previous blog about this matter) and these just might do the trick.

Check out the sexiness of these babies :

For added value - here is a sexier shot which I think really exemplifies the sensuality of the jammies

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Missing Somthing....

Granted it was halloween, but it still feels like this "costume" is missing something. Like, um, I don't know A SKIRT!!!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

What not to wear in Vegas (Observations from the Field)

Vegas is a smorgasbord for the eyes. Most of the Vegas people-watching is nothing to write home about, but every once in a while, someone is worthy of a double-take... and maybe even a quick snapshot...
This sexy/ skanky woman was dressed in small pieces of fabric at 12 pm. You could see through the holes in her top.

Goth Boy was visiting Sin City with his middle-aged parents. One donned a brightly patterned shirt and cowboy hat. They were certainly a family of contrasts. Also, it was 30 degrees out! What was he thinking?

The only thing that would make this pair more perfect would be for him to have a mullet too. Take a close look at that thing. You don't get more mullet than that. I think she took the time to gel the spikes and straighten the back. Don't most people want to choose a style that is FLATTERING? I just don't get it.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

What we wore in Vegas (The Epilogue)

This is a snapshot of some of the clothing highlights of our much anticipated Vegas Trip.

Hickteeth and I each packed 3/4 our summer wardrobes to keep up with Mme. Shenanigan, not knowing that she carefully packed just the right amount in a small little suitcase. OOTG, you have some of the best shoes ever and you sure know how to dress for the occasion- kudos for being a responsible packer! Next time, I will not bring quite as much ... it's too confusing !!! Whatever, we all looked MARVELOUS!

I just love my white top with thin orange and silver stripes from Zara with the flowy ribbons that wrap around and tie in front or back. The big white purse from Aldo really came in handy. I sure don't regret that impulse buy.

Mme Shenanigan looks dapper in all black. She shows style and confidence!

Hickteeth is sharp in skinny jeans that hug the ass just right and red heels for a night out on the Strip (plus or minus the "strip"). That pompom on the scarf really adds a little something something.

Ms. Ms. loves to show off her boobs! Mme S. is dressed to kill in her black g-string and she wants the world to know.

The girls loved the MGM Grand Pool's towels so much, they tried to smuggle them up to the room, but alas, their shrewd plan was thwarted at the gate.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


My turn! What should I bring? Hmmm... Well I liked the idea of going for a run, or using the hotel gym, maybe once, maybe not at all, hence the running shoes. Then, I have a few pairs of comfy every day walking around shoes... I just can't pick which ones to bring. I think the sporty sandals are OUT!

Most important will be the evening shoes, I believe...

These flip-flop-ish ones are a summer staple (ie: I can walk in them and the style has held it's own, I think.

These silvery numbers I have never worn , and I'm not sure what they would look best with.

These guys have low heels, I can walk in them for hours, they are well broken in.

Yahoo! The perfect new strappy heels!! I have to get used to wearing these cause the heels hurt like a bitch after standing for a few hours (or one). These babies are coming with!
I rather like these, but may be best with pants, or if the nights are cooler, which they are supposed to be.

So many shoes, huh? Seems like so little to wear at times, anyway.

Monday, October 16, 2006

If I only had this to wear in Vegas!

I couldn't resist snapping a picture of this. This is what I strive to wear in Vegas! - A one piece purple jumpsuit.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

What should I wear to Vegas: The Shoes

Ahh, when travelling the shoes are always the dilema! Below are the finalists in the "what to wear in Vegas" contest. Maybe you have some input. (keep in mind they have to go with the outfits below.

1. Sparkly Silver heels - These have Vegas written all over them - drawback: I can only wear them for a max 4hrs at a time

2. Sexy black pumps - Basic, go with everything and SEXY - I think I can last a max of 2hrs in these - although maybe if I drink enough the pain will subside?!

3. Natural cork sandals - these are simple, and sexy. I haven't walked great distances in them but for the amount i've worn them I have yet to receive any major blisters

4. Running shoes: In case hickteetch wants to go for a run after the all you can eat buffet at wynn

5. Pin strip vans: these are the latest addition to my shoe collection (only of which a fraction is pictured here) they are comfy, not sexy but might be perfect for walking down the strip

6. Blue ballet slippers - i love these shoes but my feet don't, blister city and i'm the mayor! they used to be great, then stretched out, i've tried insoles but they still fall off my feet. Thought i would bring them to see if OOTG would like them.

7. Trusty thongs - these are the "throw in the purse so when shoe #1 through #3 start to hurt I can switch them out" and/or wear to the LAZY RIVER!!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

What should I wear in Vegas?

Trying to figure out what to pack. Here are some choices from least skanky to most skany (all being slightly skanky .... after all it IS Vegas!)

Soon to follow --- which shoes to bring to vegas?

Sunday, October 8, 2006

The Bridesmaid

OK, so, in about a month I will be the bridesmaid to a good friend who you have all met. It is an Indian-Italian wedding and for the ceremony, saris will be worn (picture to follow). For the reception, I was instructed to buy a black cocktail dress, no other suggestions or preferences were given. Last weekend, I discovered BCBG on Laurier St. with my mother and all the dresses were somehow, magically made for me- they all looked awesome, which is really rare! I bought the sexiest fucking one I tried on. I adore it. Please, allow yourselves to feast your eyes on THE BRIDESMAID'S DRESS. And feel free to share your thoughts on my damn hotness. Ha ha!

Now the issue is shoes. I have lots of trouble with accessories in general, especially shoes. I don't wear leather. And, I have very little fashion sense in general. So.... I need help. These sparkly silver and black babies I bought over the summer and never wore. I just tried them on today and they are comfortable, I like them. I know strappies are probably the sexiest and styliest way to go for the wedding, but I would really like your opinions on these.

Muchas gracias!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Ode to my T-Shirt

This is the new weekly column that I invite you to participate it. I will call it: “Monday’s Pictures for Posterity”. I have too many articles of clothing that I’m holding on to for no good reason. It doesn’t fit, it’s stained or its just so out of style – I never wear it but for whatever reason I just can’t let go. Well at a recent drinking session (where all good ideas are born) someone suggested I take a picture to remember the garment and then let it go. Silly?… maybe, but when I can convert anything into a photo project; I’m game to try. So I challenge you to declutter your closet and play along. On Mondays we need to help each other make the decision to Keep, Toss, Donate or Sell on EBay!

First item up for debate: My favorite White T-Shirt
I know some of you are going to say, “it’s just a white T-Shirt, they are a dime a dozen. Toss it!” --- Well, sniff, sniff it was more than just a white T-Shirt to me. I found it on the Rack at Ross (a discount department store) I was in line purchasing something else and it just called to me – a white beacon in a store full of crap. I didn’t even try it on I just grabbed it in haste and added it to my purchase. This was nearly 9 months ago. We’ve been through a lot together (insert sappy song score of your choice here) Under sweaters, on it’s own. It’s soft and crisp at the same time. It was great with jeans or a cute summer skirt. But alas, the yellow pit stains are no longer bleachable, and just one to many stained coffee splatters make it mostly unwearable. I could add it to my work clothes or toss it in the garbage (insert sobbing noises).

So here I offer it up as the first of many Monday’s Picture for Posterity. (couldn’t even bear to put it on!)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

From Dress to Shirt (or Smock?)

Had this dress for a few years, never wore it as a dress. I love the pattern (I so rarely wear things with a pattern). I did not want to give it up so I transformed it, chopped off the bottom and made it into a long wrap shirt. But now I have a fear of it looking to smock like? What do you think?

Monday, September 11, 2006

What we wore on Superstar's Special Day

I know, I know it wasn't really your special day... but it was an event post-special day, and this is what we wore.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Cherries Jubilee!!!

Ms Superstar!

You shouldn't have!
You sweet sweet girl!

... as promised in the comments section of my blog entryabout the sad state of affairs my evening wear is in, Superstar sent me, via the prompt and trustworthy postal service a set of soft and comfy new pyjamas.

They have cherries, birds and pies on them, they adhere to the buttockial area in just the right way, and they fit Cuddles PERFECTLY.

What? What's that you say Ms. S? These were not, in fact supposed to be for Cuddles? They were supposed to be for ME?!?

In that case, I need to ask - with your artistic eye and keen judge of good tight clothes, how did I end up as a 6'3" 210lb man? I might not be waify, or even "skinny", but please Ms. Shen, tell me you didn't think I was THAT big!

P.S., they did "work" with respect to evening wear, so fret not Little Miss S, I found them Very Sexy!... Very Sexy Indeed...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Two Totally Different Dresses

Yes, I know I have a problem with my indecisivenss - or is it's my constant shopping excursions that makes this particularly difficult. These are the finals. Two totally different dresses (like the title of this post says) Each one has it's good and bad attributes, I love them both, making it very difficult to decide which to wear. Perhaps you do need some background info to help me choose and to make and informed decision.

The Party: Saturday night, cocktails and hor d'ouevres, dress code on the invite was stated as 'casually elegant' - but it's MY party so the rules don't really apply.

The shoes: they are "fierce" to quote someone when viewing them. Gold heels with swarovski crystals! Once I found the shoes I HAD to find a dress to match.

The dresses: Recent feedback from friends has been all over the board
The red one:
"elegant, 40's glamour"
" beautiful, sexy, a showstopper"
"a cheap drag queen's outfit"

The Multi color one:
"OMG beautiful"
"gorgeous and flattering"
"what, did you take Joseph's multi color dream coat and make a dress out of it?"

I like them both. The multi color one is a nicer dress (and shows off the shoes) the red one is just fun and different and shows off the cleavage. HELP!!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Somebody Stop Me!

Well, it started a couple of years ago, while shopping with Ms Shenanigan in TO. We innocently went into a cheap shoe store and I found the shoes of my dreams. I really fell in love with these little numbers and I wore them good and solid (but never in the snow!) for a couple years. I got hooked on the no-heel round-toe craze. Just my style and very comfy. Oh boy, did I fall for them bigtime. Here are the first of the them... (*click on pics to zoom in for larger view of my cut-up biking to work legs)

They are:

You can kinda tell that wear and tear have stretched them out a bit and I can't wear them with a skirt anymore, I can only wear them with pants (to cover the fact that they are ruined.
Then came...


OOTG's comment was "you've had cuter shoes". True, they were no originals, but lightening doesn't strike twice ladies, and I needed summer shoes that were not falling apart.

I waited and waited for these next shoes to go on sale, and on sale they did go. I added them to my collection of flat-and-rounds and got many compliments on them. They are...

THE SPARKLERS (they have sequens on them) - *with added side view!

I know what you're thinking : just because they're cheap doesn't mean you need 3 pairs! Trust me - I KNOW. I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF.

And finally... I went searching for fall shoes. I wanted higher shoes, cute boot-things that I could put warmer socks in if need be. Oh I searched and searched. Well, I think you know where this is going. I present to you the latest addition to the collection. A warm welcome to...

THE CAMO: *with side view

I think I like these best, I gotta be honest. Well, not better than the Originals (I mean, they're the originals!) Cuddles likes these best so the purchase is justified.


Editor's note : It took me WAY too long to compose this blog.
I was going to upload an outfit too, but I think I'll just let you guys enjui this entry for a while first.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back to the Beginning

okay - here we go again. On the hunt for the perfect dress.
Here is option #1 A little discoey number.
Can't decide if the draping front gives me that "hiding something" look. The dress is fun. Does it look good is the question. Does my booty give it the "JLO" look or the "Jello" look?